How do I configure user service tokens in openstack ?
When a user initiates a request whose processing involves multiple services (for example, a boot-from-volume request to the Compute Service will require processing by the Block Storage Service, and may require processing by the Image Service), the user’s token is handed from service to service. This ensures that the requestor is tracked correctly for audit purposes and also guarantees that the requestor has the appropriate permissions to do what needs to be done by the other services. If the chain of operations takes a long time, however, the user’s token may expire before the action is completed, leading to the failure of the user’s original request.
One way to deal with this is to set a long token life in Keystone, and this may be what you are currently doing. But this can be problematic for installations whose security policies prefer short user token lives. Beginning with the Queens release, an alternative solution is available. You have the ability to configure some services (particularly Nova and Cinder) to send a “service token” along with the user’s token. When properly configured, the Identity Service will validate an expired user token when it is accompanied by a valid service token. Thus if the user’s token expires somewhere during a long running chain of operations among various OpenStack services, the operations can continue.
- Red Hat Openstack Platform 13+
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