JBoss allows removing server-group even when servers are associated to it

Solution Verified - Updated -


  • JBoss allows removing server-group even when servers are associated to it. The expected behaviour is that JBoss should first check if some servers are already associated to the server-group or not when removing it? If Yes, then JBoss should prompt the user that some servers are already associated to this server-group so first either unassigned those servers from the server-group and then try again or reject the client request.
Steps to Reproduce:
  1. Take a fresh JBoss EAP 6 and run the domain.sh to start the domain.
    Notice that "server-one" is already associated with "main-server-group".

  2. Now remove the server-group=main-server-group using the following CLI command:

    [domain@localhost:9999 /] /server-group=main-server-group:remove()
     "outcome" => "success",
     "result" => undefined,
     "server-groups" => undefined
  3. Stop the server-one then start it again by using the following CLI command. You will see the following error / inconsistency:

    [domain@localhost:9999 /] /host=master/server-config=server-one:stop()
     "outcome" => "success",
     "result" => "STOPPING"
    [domain@localhost:9999 /] /host=master/server-config=server-one:start()
     "outcome" => "failed",
     "result" => undefined,
     "failure-description" => "JBAS014749: Operation-Handler testgroup: No child 'P_test' exists",
     "rolled-back" => true


  • Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform (EAP)
    • 6.x

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