Unable to register system using subscription-manager over IPv6 interface

Solution Verified - Updated -


  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux
  • Red Hat Subscription Management


  • Currently IPv6 support is not implemented with RHSM, so it won't be able to register machines(which has only ipv6 address) using subscription manager.


  • Discussion on this feature request has been initiated and tracked through Red Hat internal bugzilla. This might be included in RHEL 7 minor versions but no ETA set as of now. Contact Red Hat Technical support for status update on bugzilla.
  • For certain scenarios, reposync might be a workaround. Reposync could be setup on a system with IPv4/IPv6 dual stack, and can fetch errata packages. These can then be provided via IPv6, for example via HTTP/HTTPS, and IPv6 only systems can consume the errata. This covers only a fraction of the Red Hat Satellite functionality, but it might fit some requirements.

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