Pods stuck in ContainerCreating - Failed to run CNI IPAM ADD: failed to allocate for range 0
- The
get stuck in container creating step and the following error appear in the logs:
(combined from similar events): Failed create pod sandbox: rpc error: code = Unknown desc = failed to create pod network sandbox k8s_cloudpoctestback-1-rtfqf_cebf6bd6-d87e-11e9-bf6d-005056beab36_0(b13accb48cde06e15374eef4f3eceb841f36af79725af4f8b773c0b5a68d9b38): CNI request failed with status 400: 'failed to run IPAM for b13accb48cde06e15374eef4f3eceb841f36af79725af4f8b773c0b5a68d9b38: failed to run CNI IPAM ADD: failed to allocate for range 0: no IP addresses available in range set: '
- Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform 3.11 (with CRI-O)
NOTE: For older 3.x versions with the docker
runtime there was a fix delivered via RHBA-2018:0489 since version 3.9, please refer to this other solution for more info.
NOTE: For OpenShift Container Platform 4.6, please refer to the following Solution: Solution 5943591
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