Metric store deployment failed on task oVirt.origin-on-ovirt/tasks/build_vm_list.yml

Solution Verified - Updated -


Metric store deployment failed on task oVirt.origin-on-ovirt/tasks/build_vm_list.yml with the following error:

2019-09-10 09:40:31,444 p=17812 u=root |  TASK [/usr/share/ansible/roles/oVirt.metrics/roles/oVirt.origin-on-ovirt : fail] *************************************************************************************************************************************************************
2019-09-10 09:40:31,444 p=17812 u=root |  task path: /usr/share/ansible/roles/oVirt.metrics/roles/oVirt.origin-on-ovirt/tasks/build_vm_list.yml:4
2019-09-10 09:40:31,461 p=17812 u=root |  skipping: [localhost] => {
    "changed": false, 
    "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False"
2019-09-10 09:40:31,495 p=17812 u=root |  TASK [/usr/share/ansible/roles/oVirt.metrics/roles/oVirt.origin-on-ovirt : Create virtual machine list fact] *********************************************************************************************************************************
2019-09-10 09:40:31,495 p=17812 u=root |  task path: /usr/share/ansible/roles/oVirt.metrics/roles/oVirt.origin-on-ovirt/tasks/build_vm_list.yml:9
2019-09-10 09:40:31,517 p=17812 u=root |  fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {
    "msg": "An unhandled exception occurred while running the lookup plugin 'template'. Error was a <class 'ansible.errors.AnsibleError'>, original message: template error while templating string: Encountered unknown tag 'do'. Jinja was looking for the following tags: 'endfor' or 'else'. The innermost block that needs to be closed is 'for'.. String: [{% for item in openshift_ovirt_vm_manifest -%}\n  {% for iter in range(item.count) -%}\n    {\n      'name':         '{{ [, iter, \".\", openshift_ovirt_dns_zone] | join }}',\n      'host_name':    '{{ (item.empty_hostname | default(True)) | ternary('', [, iter, \".\", openshift_ovirt_dns_zone] | join) }}',\n      'description':  '{{ item.description | default('') }}',\n      {%- if ovirt_admin | default(True) -%}\n      'tag':          '{{ [\"openshift_\", item.profile] | join }}',\n      {%- endif -%}\n      'profile':      {{ openshift_ovirt_vm_profile[ item.profile ] }},\n      {%- set cloud_init = {} -%}\n      {%- do cloud_init.update(\n        {\n          'nic_boot_protocol': 'static',\n          'nic_ip_address': item.nic_mode[item[\"name\"] + iter | string ][\"nic_ip_address\"],\n          'nic_netmask':    item.nic_mode[item[\"name\"] + iter | string ][\"nic_netmask\"],\n          'nic_gateway':    item.nic_mode[item[\"name\"] + iter | string ][\"nic_gateway\"],\n          'nic_on_boot':    item.nic_mode[item[\"name\"] + iter | string ][\"nic_on_boot\"] | default(true) | bool,\n          'nic_name':       item.nic_mode[item[\"name\"] + iter | string ][\"nic_name\"] | default(\"eth0\"),\n        }) if item.nic_mode is defined -%}\n\n      {%- do cloud_init.update(\n        {\n          'dns_servers': item.nic_mode[item[\"name\"] + iter | string ][\"dns_servers\"],\n        }\n      ) if item.nic_mode is defined and item.nic_mode[item[\"name\"] + iter | string ][\"dns_servers\"] is defined -%}\n      {%- do cloud_init.update(\n        {\n          'dns_search': item.nic_mode[item[\"name\"] + iter | string ][\"dns_search\"],\n        }\n      ) if item.nic_mode is defined and item.nic_mode[item[\"name\"] + iter | string ][\"dns_search\"] is defined -%}\n      {%- do cloud_init.update(\n        {\n          'dns_servers': item[\"dns_servers\"]\n        }\n      ) if item.dns_servers is defined -%}\n      {%- do cloud_init.update(\n        {\n          'dns_search': item[\"dns_search\"]\n        }\n      ) if item.dns_search is defined -%}\n      'cloud_init': {{ cloud_init | combine(openshift_ovirt_vm_profile[item.profile][\"cloud_init\"], recursive=True) }},\n      },\n  {% endfor -%}\n{% endfor -%}\n]\n"


  • RHV-M 4.3.5
  • Ansible 2.8.4
  • ovirt-engine-metrics-

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