pcs cluster report or crm_report shows "tar: command not found" or "bzip2: command not found"
- The
pcs cluster report
utilities throw errors for missing commands.
[root@fastvm-rhel-8-0-23 ~]# pcs cluster report "fastvm-rhel-8-0-23.$(date +%Y%m%d)"
fastvm-rhel-8-0-24: Pacemaker scheduler inputs found in: /var/lib/pacemaker/pengine
pcmk-Mon-24-Jun-2019/collector: line 1296: tar: command not found
pcmk-Mon-24-Jun-2019/collector: line 1296: tar: command not found
fastvm-rhel-8-0-24: WARN: Skipping bad logfile '/var/log/cluster/corosync.log': Could not determine log dates
fastvm-rhel-8-0-24: Including segment [31-69] from /var/log/cluster/corosync.log-20190624.gz
fastvm-rhel-8-0-24: Including all logs after line 5035 from /var/log/messages-20190624
fastvm-rhel-8-0-24: Including segment [1-8] from /var/log/messages
fastvm-rhel-8-0-24: Including segment [5035-6058] from /var/log/messages-20190624
fastvm-rhel-8-0-24: WARN: Skipping bad logfile '/var/log/pacemaker/pacemaker.log': Could not determine log dates
fastvm-rhel-8-0-24: Including segment [7420-8421] from /var/log/pacemaker/pacemaker.log-20190624.gz
pcmk-Mon-24-Jun-2019/collector: line 1764: tar: command not found
- Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6, 7, or 8 (with the High Availability Add-on)
- Pacemaker
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