RabbitMQ messages not getting written to versioned_notifications.info queue
We are writing an external listener to listen to the notifications. To have minimum intervention to the
queue which is consumed by OSP internally, we have enabledversioned_notifications.info
queue by settingnotification_format=both
on all compute nodes and restarting all the nova related containers. This works in our other clusters but in this specific cluster we see that theversioned_notifications.info
queue is set to durable and we suspectthat is preventing the messages from being written to the queue. -
How to set the durable flag to false? It is set to false on our other clusters where
queue works as expected and in this environment we see this:
[root@overcloud-controller-1 /]# rabbitmqctl list_queues name consumers messages durable| grep notifications
notifications.info 0 93 false
notifications.error 0 0 false
versioned_notifications.info 0 0 true
- Red Hat OpenStack Platform 13.0 (RHOSP)
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