How to enable DEBUG in OVN Controller

Solution Verified - Updated -


  • Red Hat OpenStack Platform (RHOSP) 16.2
  • Red Hat OpenStack Platform (RHOSP) 17.0
  • Red Hat OpenStack Platform (RHOSP) 17.1


  • In a deployment that uses the OVN mechanism driver, how can I enable DEBUG in OVN Controller?


You can choose from these alternate methods for enabling DEBUG in OVN Controller:

Method 1: Use Ansible playbooks. This approach was added to make the task easier. In most cases it provides better results.

Method 2: Use a manual procedure. This is the approach first published with this article. Use it if the Automated with Ansible approach is not appropriate for your situation.

METHOD 1: Use Ansible playbooks to enable DEBUG in OVN controller

  1. Get the playbook:

    [stack@director ~]$ mkdir -p ~/playbooks && curl -so ~/playbooks/ovn-debug.yaml
    [stack@director ~]$ 
  2. In RHOSP 16.2, create an inventory file (if not created yet). This task is not required in RHOSP 17.1, because a default inventory can be used.

    [stack@director.test.lab ~]$ source stackrc 
    (undercloud) [stack@director.test.lab ~]$ tripleo-ansible-inventory --static-yaml-inventory ~/inventory.yaml
    (undercloud) [stack@director.test.lab ~]$ 
  3. Run the playbook using either the inventory created in the previous step, or in case of RHOSP 17.1, the default inventory. Use -l to limit nodes where to enable debug. Otherwise, the playbook will enable debug in all overcloud nodes (except nodes with role CephStorage):

    (undercloud) [stack@director ~]$ ansible-playbook -i /home/stack/overcloud-deploy/overcloud/tripleo-ansible-inventory.yaml playbooks/ovn-debug.yaml -l overcloud-controller-0
    [WARNING]: Could not match supplied host pattern, ignoring: CephStorage
    PLAY [This playbook enables/disables debug in ovn_controller and ovs-vswitchd] ***************************************
    TASK [Enable/Disable debug in ovn_controller modules] ****************************************************************
    changed: [overcloud-controller-0] => (item=binding)
    changed: [overcloud-controller-0] => (item=chassis)
    changed: [overcloud-controller-0] => (item=encaps)
    changed: [overcloud-controller-0] => (item=if_status)
    changed: [overcloud-controller-0] => (item=inc_proc_eng)
    changed: [overcloud-controller-0] => (item=lport)
    changed: [overcloud-controller-0] => (item=main)
    changed: [overcloud-controller-0] => (item=ofctrl)
    changed: [overcloud-controller-0] => (item=physical)
    changed: [overcloud-controller-0] => (item=pinctrl)
    TASK [Enable/Disable debug in ovs-vswitchd modules] ******************************************************************
    changed: [overcloud-controller-0] => (item=bridge)
    changed: [overcloud-controller-0] => (item=flow)
    changed: [overcloud-controller-0] => (item=vswitchd)
    PLAY RECAP ***********************************************************************************************************
    overcloud-controller-0     : ok=2    changed=2    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=0    rescued=0    ignored=0   
  4. Verify changes running the playbook again, this time with --tags display:

    (undercloud) [stack@director ~]$ ansible-playbook -i /home/stack/overcloud-deploy/overcloud/tripleo-ansible-inventory.yaml playbooks/ovn-debug.yaml -l overcloud-controller-0 --tags display
    [WARNING]: Could not match supplied host pattern, ignoring: CephStorage
    PLAY [This playbook enables/disables debug in ovn_controller and ovs-vswitchd] ***************************************
    TASK [Get ovn modules in debug] **************************************************************************************
    changed: [overcloud-controller-0]
    TASK [Display ovn modules in debug] **********************************************************************************
    ok: [overcloud-controller-0] => {
        "ovn_output.stdout_lines": [
            "                 console    syslog    file",
            "                 -------    ------    ------",
            "binding           INFO       INFO        DBG",
            "chassis           INFO       INFO        DBG",
            "encaps            INFO       INFO        DBG",
            "if_status         INFO       INFO        DBG",
            "inc_proc_eng      INFO       INFO        DBG",
            "lport             INFO       INFO        DBG",
            "main              INFO       INFO        DBG",
            "ofctrl            INFO       INFO        DBG",
            "physical          INFO       INFO        DBG",
            "pinctrl           INFO       INFO        DBG"
    TASK [Get ovs modules in debug] **************************************************************************************
    changed: [overcloud-controller-0]
    TASK [Display ovs modules in debug] **********************************************************************************
    ok: [overcloud-controller-0] => {
        "ovs_output.stdout_lines": [
            "                 console    syslog    file",
            "                 -------    ------    ------",
            "bridge             OFF        ERR        DBG",
            "flow               OFF        ERR        DBG",
            "vswitchd           OFF        ERR        DBG"
    PLAY RECAP ***********************************************************************************************************
    overcloud-controller-0     : ok=4    changed=2    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=0    rescued=0    ignored=0   
  5. When troubleshooting is complete, disable debug by reverting the modules back to the default level of “INFO”:

    (undercloud) [stack@director ~]$ ansible-playbook -i /home/stack/overcloud-deploy/overcloud/tripleo-ansible-inventory.yaml playbooks/ovn-debug.yaml -l overcloud-controller-0 -e 'mode=INFO'
    [WARNING]: Could not match supplied host pattern, ignoring: CephStorage
    PLAY [This playbook enables/disables debug in ovn_controller and ovs-vswitchd] ***************************************
    TASK [Enable/Disable debug in ovn_controller modules] ****************************************************************
    changed: [overcloud-controller-0] => (item=binding)
    changed: [overcloud-controller-0] => (item=chassis)
    changed: [overcloud-controller-0] => (item=encaps)
    changed: [overcloud-controller-0] => (item=if_status)
    changed: [overcloud-controller-0] => (item=inc_proc_eng)
    changed: [overcloud-controller-0] => (item=lport)
    changed: [overcloud-controller-0] => (item=main)
    changed: [overcloud-controller-0] => (item=ofctrl)
    changed: [overcloud-controller-0] => (item=physical)
    changed: [overcloud-controller-0] => (item=pinctrl)
    TASK [Enable/Disable debug in ovs-vswitchd modules] ******************************************************************
    changed: [overcloud-controller-0] => (item=bridge)
    changed: [overcloud-controller-0] => (item=flow)
    changed: [overcloud-controller-0] => (item=vswitchd)
    PLAY RECAP ***********************************************************************************************************
    overcloud-controller-0     : ok=2    changed=2    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=0    rescued=0    ignored=0   

EXAMPLE: customizing the list of modules through Ansible extra-vars

  • Setting: It is possible to customize the list of modules for which to change the output level to debug, using Ansible extra vars ovn_modules and ovs_modules. Note that both of them need to be defined as lists. For example:

    [stack@director.test.lab ~]$ ansible-playbook -i inventory.yaml playbooks/ovn-debug.yaml -l overcloud-controller-0 -e '{"ovn_modules": [binding, chassis, encaps], "ovs_modules": [bridge, vswitchd] }'
    PLAY [This playbook enables/disables debug in ovn_controller containers] *********************************************************
    Saturday 01 February 2025  12:35:25 +0100 (0:00:00.063)       0:00:00.063 ***** 
    Saturday 01 February 2025  12:35:25 +0100 (0:00:00.062)       0:00:00.062 ***** 
    TASK [Enable/Disable debug in ovn_controller modules] ****************************************************************************
    changed: [overcloud-controller-0] => (item=binding)
    changed: [overcloud-controller-0] => (item=chassis)
    changed: [overcloud-controller-0] => (item=encaps)
    Saturday 01 February 2025  12:35:27 +0100 (0:00:02.385)       0:00:02.448 ***** 
    Saturday 01 February 2025  12:35:27 +0100 (0:00:02.386)       0:00:02.448 ***** 
    TASK [Enable/Disable debug in ovs-vswitchd modules] ******************************************************************************
    changed: [overcloud-controller-0] => (item=bridge)
    changed: [overcloud-controller-0] => (item=vswitchd)
    PLAY RECAP ***********************************************************************************************************************
    overcloud-controller-0     : ok=2    changed=2    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=0    rescued=0    ignored=0   
    Saturday 01 February 2025  12:35:28 +0100 (0:00:00.740)       0:00:03.189 ***** 
    command ----------------------------------------------------------------- 3.13s
    total ------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.13s
    Saturday 01 February 2025  12:35:28 +0100 (0:00:00.740)       0:00:03.189 ***** 
    Enable/Disable debug in ovn_controller modules ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.39s
    Enable/Disable debug in ovs-vswitchd modules ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0.74s
    Playbook run took 0 days, 0 hours, 0 minutes, 3 seconds
  • Displaying:

    [stack@director.test.lab ~]$ ansible-playbook -i inventory.yaml playbooks/ovn-debug.yaml -l overcloud-controller-0 --tags display
    PLAY [This playbook enables/disables debug in ovn_controller containers] *********************************************************
    Saturday 01 February 2025  12:36:02 +0100 (0:00:00.064)       0:00:00.064 ***** 
    Saturday 01 February 2025  12:36:02 +0100 (0:00:00.064)       0:00:00.064 ***** 
    TASK [Get ovn modules in debug] **************************************************************************************************
    changed: [overcloud-controller-0]
    Saturday 01 February 2025  12:36:03 +0100 (0:00:01.510)       0:00:01.575 ***** 
    Saturday 01 February 2025  12:36:03 +0100 (0:00:01.510)       0:00:01.575 ***** 
    TASK [Display ovn modules in debug] **********************************************************************************************
    ok: [overcloud-controller-0] => {
        "ovn_output.stdout_lines": [
            "                 console    syslog    file",
            "                 -------    ------    ------",
            "binding           INFO       INFO        DBG",
            "chassis           INFO       INFO        DBG",
            "encaps            INFO       INFO        DBG"
    Saturday 01 February 2025  12:36:03 +0100 (0:00:00.123)       0:00:01.698 ***** 
    Saturday 01 February 2025  12:36:03 +0100 (0:00:00.123)       0:00:01.698 ***** 
    TASK [Get ovs modules in debug] **************************************************************************************************
    changed: [overcloud-controller-0]
    Saturday 01 February 2025  12:36:04 +0100 (0:00:00.392)       0:00:02.091 ***** 
    Saturday 01 February 2025  12:36:04 +0100 (0:00:00.392)       0:00:02.091 ***** 
    TASK [Display ovs modules in debug] **********************************************************************************************
    ok: [overcloud-controller-0] => {
        "ovs_output.stdout_lines": [
            "                 console    syslog    file",
            "                 -------    ------    ------",
            "bridge             OFF        ERR        DBG",
            "vswitchd           OFF        ERR        DBG"
    PLAY RECAP ***********************************************************************************************************************
    overcloud-controller-0     : ok=4    changed=2    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=0    rescued=0    ignored=0   
    Saturday 01 February 2025  12:36:04 +0100 (0:00:00.119)       0:00:02.211 ***** 
    shell ------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.90s
    debug ------------------------------------------------------------------- 0.24s
    total ------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.15s
    Saturday 01 February 2025  12:36:04 +0100 (0:00:00.119)       0:00:02.210 ***** 
    Get ovn modules in debug -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.51s
    Get ovs modules in debug -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0.39s
    Display ovn modules in debug ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0.12s
    Display ovs modules in debug ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0.12s
    Playbook run took 0 days, 0 hours, 0 minutes, 2 seconds
  • Rolling back: Use the ansible extra var mode=INFO to rollback the changes from DBG to INFO (default). If you previously added a list of custom ovn_modules, also include the same list when rolling back:

    [stack@director.test.lab ~]$ ansible-playbook -i inventory.yaml playbooks/ovn-debug.yaml -l overcloud-controller-0 -e '{"ovn_modules": [binding, chassis, encaps], "ovs_modules": [bridge, vswitchd], mode="INFO" }'
    PLAY [This playbook enables/disables debug in ovn_controller containers] *********************************************************
    Saturday 01 February 2025  12:36:40 +0100 (0:00:00.071)       0:00:00.071 ***** 
    Saturday 01 February 2025  12:36:40 +0100 (0:00:00.070)       0:00:00.070 ***** 
    TASK [Enable/Disable debug in ovn_controller modules] ****************************************************************************
    changed: [overcloud-controller-0] => (item=binding)
    changed: [overcloud-controller-0] => (item=chassis)
    changed: [overcloud-controller-0] => (item=encaps)
    Saturday 01 February 2025  12:36:42 +0100 (0:00:01.942)       0:00:02.013 ***** 
    Saturday 01 February 2025  12:36:42 +0100 (0:00:01.942)       0:00:02.012 ***** 
    TASK [Enable/Disable debug in ovs-vswitchd modules] ******************************************************************************
    changed: [overcloud-controller-0] => (item=bridge)
    changed: [overcloud-controller-0] => (item=vswitchd)
    PLAY RECAP ***********************************************************************************************************************
    overcloud-controller-0     : ok=2    changed=2    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=0    rescued=0    ignored=0   
    Saturday 01 February 2025  12:36:43 +0100 (0:00:00.627)       0:00:02.640 ***** 
    command ----------------------------------------------------------------- 2.57s
    total ------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.57s
    Saturday 01 February 2025  12:36:43 +0100 (0:00:00.627)       0:00:02.640 ***** 
    Enable/Disable debug in ovn_controller modules ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.94s
    Enable/Disable debug in ovs-vswitchd modules ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0.63s
    Playbook run took 0 days, 0 hours, 0 minutes, 2 seconds

METHOD 2: Use manual procedure to enable DEBUG in OVN controller
- The ovn-controller service runs in a container, so you must set the DEBUG option inside the container.

  • Verify the status of tripleo_ovn_controller service is Active:

    # systemctl is-active tripleo_ovn_controller
  • Inside the container, use ovn-appctl to verify list-commands offered for ovn-controller. ovn-appctl is a tool for communicating with running OVN services such as ovn-controller and ovn-northd. Note that in the output, the set of commands that begin with vlog are used to configure the logging mechanism of OVN services.

    # podman exec -it -u root ovn_controller ovn-appctl list-commands
    The available commands are:
      coverage/read-counter   COUNTER
      debug/delay-nb-cfg-report SECONDS
      flush-lflow-cache       [deprecated]
      inject-pkt              MICROFLOW
      recompute               [deprecated]
      stopwatch/reset         [NAME]
      stopwatch/show          [NAME]
      tnl/egress_port_range   min max
      vlog/disable-rate-limit [module]...
      vlog/enable-rate-limit  [module]...
      vlog/set                {spec | PATTERN:destination:pattern}
  • Verify the logging pattern for ovn-controller.
    Note that each 'ovn-controller` module has its own logging configuration. You can enable logging for all modules or for specific modules. Generally it is better to enable logging for specific modules, because logging for all modules makes it difficult to find the information you need. Engineering can help you decide which module logs to enable for a specific case or problem.

    # podman exec -it -u root ovn_controller ovn-appctl vlog/list-pattern
             prefix                            format
             ------                            ------
    SYSLOG   <%B> %D{%h %e %T} %E %A:          ovs|%05N|%c%T|%p|%m
    CONSOLE  none                              %D{%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ}|%05N|%c%T|%p|%m
    FILE     none                              %D{%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.###Z}|%05N|%c%T|%p|%m
  • Review the list of ovn-controller modules that are available for configuration:

    # podman exec -it -u root ovn_controller ovn-appctl vlog/list
                     console    syslog    file
                     -------    ------    ------
    acl_log           INFO       INFO       INFO
    actions           INFO       INFO       INFO
    backtrace         INFO       INFO       INFO
    binding           INFO       INFO       INFO
    bundle            INFO       INFO       INFO
    chassis           INFO       INFO       INFO
    command_line      INFO       INFO       INFO
    conntrack         INFO       INFO       INFO
    conntrack_tp      INFO       INFO       INFO
    coverage          INFO       INFO       INFO
    ct_dpif           INFO       INFO       INFO
    daemon            INFO       INFO       INFO
    daemon_unix       INFO       INFO       INFO
    dns_resolve       INFO       INFO       INFO
    dpdk              INFO       INFO       INFO
    dpif              INFO       INFO       INFO
    dpif_lookup_autovalidator  INFO       INFO       INFO
    dpif_lookup_generic  INFO       INFO       INFO
    dpif_mfex_extract_study  INFO       INFO       INFO
    dpif_netdev       INFO       INFO       INFO
    dpif_netdev_extract  INFO       INFO       INFO
    dpif_netdev_impl  INFO       INFO       INFO
    dpif_netdev_lookup  INFO       INFO       INFO
    dpif_netlink      INFO       INFO       INFO
    dpif_netlink_rtnl  INFO       INFO       INFO
    encaps            INFO       INFO       INFO
    entropy           INFO       INFO       INFO
    expr              INFO       INFO       INFO
    extend_table      INFO       INFO       INFO
    fatal_signal      INFO       INFO       INFO
    features          INFO       INFO       INFO
    flow              INFO       INFO       INFO
    ha_chassis        INFO       INFO       INFO
    hmap              INFO       INFO       INFO
    if_status         INFO       INFO       INFO
    inc_proc_eng      INFO       INFO       INFO
    ipf               INFO       INFO       INFO
    jsonrpc           INFO       INFO       INFO
    lb                INFO       INFO       INFO
    ldata             INFO       INFO       INFO
    lflow             INFO       INFO       INFO
    lflow_cache       INFO       INFO       INFO
    lockfile          INFO       INFO       INFO
    lport             INFO       INFO       INFO
    mac_learn         INFO       INFO       INFO
    main              INFO       INFO       INFO
    memory            INFO       INFO       INFO
    meta_flow         INFO       INFO       INFO
    native_tnl        INFO       INFO       INFO
    netdev            INFO       INFO       INFO
    netdev_linux      INFO       INFO       INFO
    netdev_offload    INFO       INFO       INFO
    netdev_offload_tc  INFO       INFO       INFO
    netdev_vport      INFO       INFO       INFO
    netlink           INFO       INFO       INFO
    netlink_conntrack  INFO       INFO       INFO
    netlink_notifier  INFO       INFO       INFO
    netlink_socket    INFO       INFO       INFO
    nx_match          INFO       INFO       INFO
    odp_execute       INFO       INFO       INFO
    odp_util          INFO       INFO       INFO
    ofctrl            INFO       INFO       INFO
    ofp_actions       INFO       INFO       INFO
    ofp_bundle        INFO       INFO       INFO
    ofp_connection    INFO       INFO       INFO
    ofp_errors        INFO       INFO       INFO
    ofp_flow          INFO       INFO       INFO
    ofp_group         INFO       INFO       INFO
    ofp_match         INFO       INFO       INFO
    ofp_meter         INFO       INFO       INFO
    ofp_monitor       INFO       INFO       INFO
    ofp_msgs          INFO       INFO       INFO
    ofp_packet        INFO       INFO       INFO
    ofp_port          INFO       INFO       INFO
    ofp_protocol      INFO       INFO       INFO
    ofp_queue         INFO       INFO       INFO
    ofp_table         INFO       INFO       INFO
    ofp_util          INFO       INFO       INFO
    ovn_bfd           INFO       INFO       INFO
    ovn_util          INFO       INFO       INFO
    ovs_numa          INFO       INFO       INFO
    ovs_rcu           INFO       INFO       INFO
    ovs_replay        INFO       INFO       INFO
    ovs_router        INFO       INFO       INFO
    ovs_thread        INFO       INFO       INFO
    ovsdb_cs          INFO       INFO       INFO
    ovsdb_error       INFO       INFO       INFO
    ovsdb_idl         INFO       INFO       INFO
    ovsport           INFO       INFO       INFO
    ox_stat           INFO       INFO       INFO
    patch             INFO       INFO       INFO
    physical          INFO       INFO       INFO
    pinctrl           INFO       INFO       INFO
    pmd_perf          INFO       INFO       INFO
    poll_loop         INFO       INFO       INFO
    process           INFO       INFO       INFO
    rconn             INFO       INFO       INFO
    reconnect         INFO       INFO       INFO
    route_table       INFO       INFO       INFO
    signals           INFO       INFO       INFO
    socket_util       INFO       INFO       INFO
    socket_util_unix  INFO       INFO       INFO
    stopwatch         INFO       INFO       INFO
    stream            INFO       INFO       INFO
    stream_fd         INFO       INFO       INFO
    stream_replay     INFO       INFO       INFO
    stream_ssl        INFO       INFO       INFO
    stream_tcp        INFO       INFO       INFO
    stream_unix       INFO       INFO       INFO
    svec              INFO       INFO       INFO
    tc                INFO       INFO       INFO
    timeval           INFO       INFO       INFO
    unixctl           INFO       INFO       INFO
    userspace_tso     INFO       INFO       INFO
    util              INFO       INFO       INFO
    uuid              INFO       INFO       INFO
    vconn             INFO       INFO       INFO
    vconn_stream      INFO       INFO       INFO
    vif_plug          INFO       INFO       INFO
    vif_plug_dummy    INFO       INFO       INFO
    vif_plug_provider  INFO       INFO       INFO
    vlog              INFO       INFO       INFO
  • Use the following ovn-appctl syntax to customize vlog:

    ovn-appctl vlog/set module:facility:level

    Values for facility include kern, user, mail, daemon, auth, syslog, lpr, news, uucp, clock, ftp, ntp, audit, alert, clock2, local0, local1, local2, local3, local4, local5, local6 and local7.
    Values for level include: off, emer, err, warn, info, dbg. For more information, see

  • Example 1: verify OVN module chassis.

    # podman exec -it -u root ovn_controller ovn-appctl vlog/list | grep chassis
    chassis           INFO       INFO       INFO
  • Example 2: enable debug for OVN chassis module. Before using this command, note the previous settings so you can restore them.
    Note that this is just a sample command. Each case or problem might require looking at a different set of modules.
    Note that changes to logging configurations are not persistent across service restarts. They are reset after a service restart.

    podman exec -it -u root ovn_controller ovn-appctl vlog/set chassis:file:dbg
  • Review the debug log from the following /var/log/containers/openvswitch/ovn-controller.log location.

    2022-08-22T08:38:49.845Z|17330|inc_proc_eng|DBG|controller/ovn-controller.c:975: node: SB_chassis, old_state Stale, new_state Unchanged
    2022-08-22T08:38:49.845Z|17368|inc_proc_eng|DBG|lib/inc-proc-eng.c:323: node: SB_chassis, old_state Unchanged, new_state Stale
    2022-08-22T08:38:49.845Z|17399|inc_proc_eng|DBG|controller/ovn-controller.c:975: node: SB_chassis, old_state Stale, new_state Unchanged
    2022-08-22T08:38:49.974Z|17433|inc_proc_eng|DBG|lib/inc-proc-eng.c:323: node: SB_chassis, old_state Unchanged, new_state Stale
    2022-08-22T08:38:49.974Z|17464|inc_proc_eng|DBG|controller/ovn-controller.c:975: node: SB_chassis, old_state Stale, new_state Unchanged
  • Example of how to disable debug for OVN chassis module. Note: to prevent excessive logging and storage of debug messages, you should disable the debug mode when you are done collecting data.

    podman exec -it -u root ovn_controller ovn-appctl vlog/set chassis:file:info

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