sshd-keygen utility has the wrong file path on freeipa_register snippet for RHEL8 : /usr/sbin/sshd-keygen: No such file or directory
- Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8
- Red Hat satellite 6.5
- sshd-keygen utility reported an error while provisioning RHEL8 machine by satellite 6.5 with realm enabled.
/tmp/ks-script-q_ct_py2: line 121: /usr/sbin/sshd-keygen: No such file or directory
stderr=Could not load host key: /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key
Could not load host key: /etc/ssh/ssh_host_ecdsa_key
Could not load host key: /etc/ssh/ssh_host_ed25519_key
- Create a clone of kickstart default template with name kickstart default clone rhel8 and from Association tab add RHEL8.0 to the applicable operating systems.
- Add the desired locations and organizations from the Locations, Organizations tabs.
webUI -> Hosts -> Provisioning Templates > Edit Kickstart default -> clone
- Create a clone of snippet freeipa_register with name freeipa_register_clone_rhel8 and from Association tab add RHEL8.0 to the applicable operating systems.
webUI -> Hosts -> Provisioning Templates > Edit freeipa_register -> clone
- Edit the template kickstart default clone rhel8 , change the following line :
<%= snippet 'freeipa_register' %>
<%= snippet 'freeipa_register_clone_rhel8' %>
- Edit the snippet freeipa_register_clone_rhel8 , change the follwoing part;
<% if @host.operatingsystem.major.to_i > 6 -%>
<% end -%>
<% if @host.operatingsystem.major.to_i > 6 -%>
<% if @host.operatingsystem.major.to_i == 7 -%>
<% else -%>
/usr/libexec/openssh/sshd-keygen rsa
<% end -%>
<% end -%>
- An argument "rsa" has been added above to create "rsa" host keys.
Root Cause
sshd-keygen utility is used to generate SSH keys to be sure the ipa-client-install uploads them to the IdM server.
/usr/sbin/sshd-keygen -
This example does not work anymore on RHEL8. The file path has been changed:
# rpm -ql openssh-server | grep sshd-keygen
- The Issue for RHEL8 has been reported by bugzilla 1720632 to update the right file path on the documentation kickstart-file-for-client-installation
- The is a work around until the bugzilla 1721878 for the satellite 6.5 will be fixed.
Diagnostic Steps
- The following errors have been found during the RHEL8 machine provisioning with realm enabled and reported to log file
/tmp/ks-script-q_ct_py2: line 121: /usr/sbin/sshd-keygen: No such file or directory
stderr=Could not load host key: /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key
Could not load host key: /etc/ssh/ssh_host_ecdsa_key
Could not load host key: /etc/ssh/ssh_host_ed25519_key
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