How to make wsconsume generate Serializable classes from WebService (WS) WSDL in JBoss EAP?
- How to make wsconsume generate Serializable classes from WebService (WS) WSDL in JBoss EAP?
- I'm getting an error : java.lang.RuntimeException: WFLYEJB0054: Failed to marshal EJB parameters
and the cause is: for a class that is generated from WSDL file. -
I created Java classes from wsdl by executing in ant task. Snippet of the ant task is as below:
<java classname="" fork="true"> <jvmarg value="-Djava.endorsed.dirs=${jboss_home}/lib/endorsed" /> <arg line="-o ${build_dir}" /> <arg line="-k " /> <arg line="-t 2.1" /> <arg line="-s ${everest_dir}/sources" /> <arg line="${nmsapischema}/wsdl/nms.wsdl" /> <classpath refid="classpath.wscomsume" /> </java>
Can you give me the details about how to create java classes that extend serializable.
NotSerializableException serialization exception when using class generated from WSDL for remote EJB transfer objects
- JBoss Enterprise Application Platform (JBoss EAP) 4.3
- 7
- 6
- 5
- 4.3
- JBoss WebServices
- JBoss WS CXF
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