Ceph - PG query hangs and doesn't return

Solution Verified - Updated -


  • Red Hat Ceph Storage


  • One of the placement groups is incomplete and when running a ceph pg <pg id> query it just hangs.
  • How can we continue debugging the PG to continue troubleshooting?


  • In some situations when the PG didn't complete peering, the pg query command will hang. There is a short window of opportunity during OSD startup when the PG can still be queried.
  • As that window is quite narrow, a small shell loop helps.
  • In the terminal (terminal 1) issue the following command loop:
while true
   ceph pq <pg id> query >> /tmp/query.txt
  • Open a new terminal (terminal 2) and issue the osd restart command systemctl restart ceph-osd@<OSD_number> for the primary OSD of that PG.
  • In terminal 1 where the loop is continuously running, Press CTRL-C about every 1 seconds. This will interrupt the command if it hangs and the loop will instantly issue a new command.
  • You will know this has been properly achieved if in terminal 2 you have a successful pg query output is located in /tmp/query.txt
  • Once this process is complete you can simple close the first terminal and review the PG query for continued troubleshooting.
  • You might also be able to use the timeout command to limit pg query execution, but this has not yet been tested:
while ! timeout 1 ceph pg <pg id> query; do echo -n .; done

Root Cause

  • Querying the placement group can sometimes hang if it is stuck in peering.

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