Setting JVM Metaspace on EAP 7
In EAP 7 there is the possibility to set Permgen
value with a default tag parameter even though there's no more Permgen
for Java 8 or later. But the current Metaspace
setting doesn't exist. See below the CLI options:
[domain@localhost:9990 /] /server-group=main-server-group/jvm=default:write-attribute(name=
agent-lib env-classpath-ignored heap-size java-home launch-command max-permgen-size stack-size
agent-path environment-variables java-agent jvm-options max-heap-size permgen-size type
Also, if Metaspace
is set as a JVM property, there's no field validation and in a managed domain that can be repeated as a JVM argument.
- Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform (EAP)
- 7
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