Red Hat Directory Server ACI with target attribute userPassword, USERDN rule and proxy user denies write for password change operations

Solution Verified - Updated -


A Red Hat Directory Server (RHDS) access control handling with ACIs that use target attribute userPassword, the USERDN rule, and a proxy user, will not work for password change operations
ACI example:

aci: (targetattr="userPassword")(version 3.0; acl "testmsproxy manager can set passwords";allow(write) userattr="manager#USERDN";)
aci: (targetattr="*")(version 3.0; acl "testmsproxy alow read proxy";allow(proxy) (userdn="ldap:///uid=user1,dc=example");)

Error example:

ldap_modify: Insufficient access
ldap_modify: additional info: Insufficient 'write' privilege to the 'userPassword' attribute of entry 'uid=user1,dc=example'.


  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5
  • Red Hat Directory Server with redhat-ds-base 8.x up to redhat-ds-base-8.2.1-1.el5dsrv from errata RHBA-2010-0692 included

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