How to mitigate the error "BUG: soft lockup" in KVM guests?

Solution Verified - Updated -


  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 5.5
  • KVM using KSM
  • Guests with 8 virtual CPUs


  • KVM guests are often showing the error "BUG: soft lockup" in /var/log/messages.


There are not just one answer to solve this issue. In fact, there are a lot of recommendations and configurations that can minimize or solve the problem, depending on the scenario.


1. Update kernel to, at least, release 2.6.18-194.11.3

kernel-2.6.18-194.11.3.el5.x86_64.rpm can be downloaded at:

2. Adjust Soft Lock-up timeout

An alternative to circumvent the problem is use /proc/sys/kernel/softlockup_thresh parameter.
As root, execute:

      # echo <time> > /proc/sys/kernel/softlockup_thresh

Replace <time> with the desired number of seconds before a soft lock-up warning should be triggered. By defa* ult, this value is set to 10 (seconds) and the maximum soft lock-up time-out is now increased from 60 seconds to 300 seconds for systems that have a large number of CPUs. A soft lock-up occurs when a CPU reports a memory starvation while it is unable to access a memory node that is being accessed by other CPUs.

3. Change I/O Scheduler

Virtual machines need an special I/O scheduler as described in the documents:

4. Use KVM processor affinities

Set up a guest to use only 1 virtual CPUs and apply KVM processor affinities, as described in the document bellow, to avoid so much CPU overcommit:

5. Timing management parameter

Is recommended to use some parameters related to timing management (clock/interrupts) if your guest does not has Time Stamp Counter (TSC).
As described in the document bellow, is this case is necessary include some options in the kernel line as "divider=10 notsc lpj=n" :

6. KSM usage

Disable KSM usage and monitor the system to see if the error stops and load average decreases.
A wrong KSM/overcommit ratio configuration can cause some problems:

7. Application errors:

Check if there are any Zombie process. It must be eliminated with a reboot:

8. Monitor the system:

Execute the commands bellow during the error to check the resource usage:

    # iostat -t -x 2 &> /tmp/iostat.out
    # top -b -d 2 &> /tmp/top.out
    # vmstat 2 &> /tmp/vmstat.out

9. In addition to it, you can work with some extra commands used to prioritize process as described in the documents bellow:

Why does my process stop periodically? Is there any way to mitigate this?

How do I increase the I/O priority of some processes on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5?

How do I set the real time scheduling priority of a process?

  • Component
  • kvm

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