Enable PCI passthrough for SR-IOV virtual functions for PCI devices which are not NICs in Red Hat OpenStack Platform 13
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Enable PCI passthrough for SR-IOV virtual functions for PCI devices which are not NICs in Red Hat OpenStack Platform 13
For example, how to pass through virtual functions for Intel's QAT co-processor:
The Intel® QuickAssist Adapter family provides customers with a scalable, flexible, and extendable way to offer Intel® QuickAssist Technology (Intel® QAT) crypto acceleration and compression capabilities to their existing product lines. Intel® QuickAssist Technology (Intel® QAT) provides hardware acceleration to assist with the performance demands of securing and routing Internet traffic and other workloads, such as compression and wireless 3G and 4G LTE algorithm offload, thereby reserving processor cycles for application and control processing.
Red Hat OpenStack Platform 13
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