Message "username and password provided does not match our records" when trying to log in to the JBoss ON UI due to ORA-00257 error

Solution Unverified - Updated -


  • JON GUI login is sometimes not working using correct credentials and we get error "username and password provided does not match our records".
  • Message username and password provided does not match our records when trying to log in to the JBoss ON UI due to ORA-00257 error:

    ERROR [org.hibernate.util.JDBCExceptionReporter] Could not create connection; - nested throwable: (java.sql.SQLException: ORA-00257: archiver error. Connect internal only, until freed.
    ); - nested throwable: (org.jboss.resource.JBossResourceException: Could not create connection; - nested throwable: (java.sql.SQLException: ORA-00257: archiver error. Connect internal only, until freed.


  • Red Hat JBoss Operations Network (ON) 3.1.2
  • Oracle database

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