[AMQ7] Exclusive Queues behaviour in clustered environment

Solution Verified - Updated -


  • How Exclusive Queues will behave in a clustered environment?

  • Created AMQ Broker cluster with two instances. [i.e., Broker_POD1 & Broker_POD2]

  • Created an exclusive queue [i.e., queue://TEST/EXCLUSIVE_QUEUE]

  • Execute the commands in the exact order:

    1. Send "Test1" to queue://TEST/EXCLUSIVE_QUEUE@Broker_POD1
    ./artemis producer --url tcp://<Broker_POD1_IP>:61616 --user <username> --password <password> --destination 
    queue://TEST/EXCLUSIVE_QUEUE --message-count 1 --message Test1
    2. Send "Test2" to queue://TEST/EXCLUSIVE_QUEUE@Broker_POD2
    ./artemis producer --url tcp://<Broker_POD2_IP>:61616 --user <username> --password <password> --destination 
    queue://TEST/EXCLUSIVE_QUEUE --message-count 1 --message Test2
    3. Send "Test3" to queue://TEST/EXCLUSIVE_QUEUE@Broker_POD1
    ./artemis producer --url tcp://<Broker_POD1_IP>:61616 --user <username> --password <password> --destination 
    queue://TEST/EXCLUSIVE_QUEUE --message-count 1 --message Test3
    4. Consume 3 messages from queue://TEST/EXCLUSIVE_QUEUE@Broker_POD1 with Single Thread.
    ./artemis consumer --url tcp://<Broker_POD1_IP>:61616 --user <username> --password password> --destination 
    queue://TEST/EXCLUSIVE_QUEUE --message-count 3 --data out.txt
  • But messages are received in incorrect order as shown below Test1, Test3 followed by Test2

    • sh-4.4$ cat out.txt:



  • Red Hat AMQ
    • 7.x
  • Red Hat OpenShift
    • 4.10

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