Accessing OVN database content from Red Hat OpenStack Enviroment

Solution Verified - Updated -


  • Red Hat OpenStack Platform 16.1


  • How to access OVN Content from North and South bound databases?


  • Run below script in the controller to extract switch content from OVN North-bound & South-bound databases.

    export SB=$(sudo ovs-vsctl get open . external_ids:ovn-remote | sed -e 's/\"//g')
    export NB=$(sudo ovs-vsctl get open . external_ids:ovn-remote | sed -e 's/\"//g' | sed -e 's/6642/6641/g')
    shopt -s expand_aliases
    alias ovn-sbctl='sudo podman exec ovn_controller ovn-sbctl --db=$SB'
    alias ovn-nbctl='sudo podman exec ovn_controller ovn-nbctl --db=$NB'
    echo "OVN North Bound Endpoint" $NB | tee -a $file
    echo "OVN South Bound Endpoint" $SB | tee -a $file
    run_cmd() {
      echo -e "\n\n[`whoami`@`hostname`~]$ $1 " | tee -a $file
      eval "$1" | tee -a $file
    run_cmd "hostname -f"
    run_cmd "ovn-nbctl --db=$NB show"
    run_cmd "ovn-sbctl --db=$SB show"
    run_cmd "ovn-nbctl --db=$NB list Logical_Switch"
    run_cmd "ovn-nbctl --db=$NB list Logical_Switch_Port"
    run_cmd "ovn-nbctl --db=$NB list ACL"
    run_cmd "ovn-nbctl --db=$NB list Address_Set"
    run_cmd "ovn-nbctl --db=$NB list Logical_Router"
    run_cmd "ovn-nbctl --db=$NB list Logical_Router_Port"
    run_cmd "ovn-nbctl --db=$NB list Gateway_Chassis"
    run_cmd "ovn-sbctl --db=$SB list Chassis"
    run_cmd "ovn-sbctl --db=$SB list Encap"
    run_cmd "ovn-nbctl --db=$NB list Address_Set"
    run_cmd "ovn-sbctl --db=$SB lflow-list"
    run_cmd "ovn-sbctl --db=$SB list Multicast_Group"
    run_cmd "ovn-sbctl --db=$SB list Datapath_Binding"
    run_cmd "ovn-sbctl --db=$SB list Port_Binding"
    run_cmd "ovn-sbctl --db=$SB list MAC_Binding"
    run_cmd "ovn-sbctl --db=$SB list Gateway_Chassis"
    run_cmd "ovsdb-client dump $SB Datapath_Binding"
    run_cmd "ovsdb-client dump $SB Gateway_Chassis"
    run_cmd "ovsdb-client dump $SB SB_Global"
    run_cmd "ovsdb-client dump $SB Address_Set"
    run_cmd "ovsdb-client dump $SB DHCP_Options"
    run_cmd "ovsdb-client dump $SB Chassis"

Diagnostic Steps

  • Ensure the overcloud node has below package install whcih helps to query the OVN DB.

    # yum info openvswitch2.10-ovn-common
    Loaded plugins: product-id, search-disabled-repos, subscription-manager
    This system is not registered with an entitlement server. You can use subscription-manager to register.
    Installed Packages
    Name        : openvswitch2.10-ovn-common
    Arch        : x86_64
    Version     : 2.10.0
    Release     : 28.el7fdp.1
    Size        : 8.1 M
    Repo        : installed
    From repo   : rhelosp-14.0-puddle
    Summary     : Open vSwitch - Open Virtual Network support
    URL         :
    License     : ASL 2.0
    Description : Utilities that are use to diagnose and manage the OVN components.

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