How do I use the support-tools container on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8?

Solution In Progress - Updated -


  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8
  • Red Hat Core OS 4.0


  • Red Hat Global Support Services has asked me to use the support-tools container?
  • How do I collect an sosreport from the support-tools container?
  • The atomic command is not available on RHEL 8, how do I use the support-tools container?
  • How do I collect an sosreport from the support-tools container on Red Hat Core OS 4?


  • Since the atomic command is not present in RHEL 8, the functionality has been added to podman via the runlabel subcommand. For example:
    # podman pull
    # podman container runlabel RUN
    # sos report
  • The command above instructs podman to read the RUN label of the support-tools image and use it to launch the container.
    • The support-tools image maintains the RUN label so that the container is properly setup to mount and access the host system so that sos report and similar support tools may be run correctly inside the container and collect host-level information.
    • By default, using podman container runlabel RUN support-tools will present you with a root shell inside the container.

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