Insufficient Rights Error while running Software Updater from unpriviledge user.

Solution Verified - Updated -


  • When try to run Software Updater, getting an "Insufficient Right" error message.


  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5


  • The   package updater utility is controlled by consolehelper for  unprivileged  users. consolehelper is a tool that makes it easy for  console users to  run system programs. Then Consolehelper executes  userhelper which looks  for appropriate pam file.

  • Mode settings for binary  "/usr/sbin/userhelper" was changed. Fix it by following steps:

    • Check the current  permission by executing  following command. 

          #  ls -l /usr/sbin/userhelper
  • Expected permission is

    # ls -l /usr/sbin/userhelper
    -rws--x--x 1 root root 39944 Feb 21  2008 /usr/sbin/userhelper
  • If the  output is different, please set the  permission as above by executing  chmod command.

    # chmod 4711 /usr/sbin/userhelper
  • See man  page of chmod command for more  information.

Root Cause

  • Mode  settings for binary "/usr/sbin/userhelper" was changed.

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