How to define virtual Topic in Artemis
- Red Hat AMQ
- 7.2.x
- Unable to define and use virtual topic
- There seems to be two ways of using Virtual Topic in AMQ7.
- using the Artemis FQQN comprised of the address and queue
Queue subscriptionQueue = session.createQueue("VirtualTopic.Orders::Consumer.C.VirtualTopic.Orders");
Error: Creating Queue: VirtualTopic.Orders::Consumer.C.VirtualTopic.Orders
Caught: xxx.yyy.JMSException: Address VirtualTopic.Orders is not configured for queue support [condition = amqp:illegal-state]
- With JMS1.1, a durable subscription is identified by the pair of clientId and subscriptionName. The clientId component must be unique to a connection on the broker.
- JMS 2.0 adds the possibility of shared subscriptions with new API's that are fully supported in Artemis.
- For example, a default 5.x consumer destination for topic VirtualTopic.Orders subscription A:
Queue subscriptionQueue = session.createQueue("Consumer.A.VirtualTopic.Orders");
- Test java client is attached
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