katello:upgrade_check failing with error "Expect initializer to return hash if a group of attributes is defined by lazy_accessor" on Red Hat Satellite 6

Solution Verified - Updated -


  • Red Hat Satellite 6.1


  • Red Hat Satellite 6.1 to 6.2 upgrade failing on upgrade check:
Checking content hosts...
Calculating Host changes on upgrade.  This may take a few minutes.
rake aborted!
Expect initializer to return hash if a group of attributes is defined by lazy_accessor
Tasks: TOP => katello:preupgrade_content_host_check
(See full trace by running task with --trace)


  • Check whether there are any systems exist without the UUIDs:
# su - postgres -c "echo \"select * from katello_systems where uuid is null\" | psql foreman"
  • If the result is non-zero, delete those systems from database(use the system ID from above command):
# su - postgres -c "echo \"delete from katello_system_activation_keys where system_id=1000\" | psql foreman"
# su - postgres -c "echo \"delete from katello_system_repositories where system_id=1000\" | psql foreman"
# su - postgres -c "echo \"delete from katello_systems where id=1000\" | psql foreman"

Root Cause

  • This is a known Bug and manually removing those systems will fix the issue.

Diagnostic Steps

  • Complete traceback:
# foreman-rake katello:upgrade_check
This script makes no modifications and can be re-run multiple times for the most up to date results.
Checking upgradeability...
Checking for running tasks...
[PASS] - There are 0 active tasks.
Checking the current version...
[PASS] - Current version of the Katello Ruby RPM is and needs to greater than or equal to
Checking content hosts...
Calculating Host changes on upgrade.  This may take a few minutes.
rake aborted!
Expect initializer to return hash if a group of attributes is defined by lazy_accessor
Tasks: TOP => katello:preupgrade_content_host_check
(See full trace by running task with --trace)

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