RHV Live Storage Migration never completed, leaving disks locked

Solution Verified - Updated -


  • Live Storage Migration (LSM) hung.

  • Disks remain locked.

  • The engine logs contained a java socket exception;

An exception has occurred while trying to create a command object for command 'LiveMigrateDisk' with parameters 'LiveMigrateDiskParameters:{commandId='bfaabf40-cac3-4771-a569-6baf768aca23', user='admin', commandType='LiveMigrateDisk'}': WELD-000049: Unable to invoke protected final void org.ovirt.engine.core.bll.CommandBase.postConstruct() on org.ovirt.engine.core.bll.storage.lsm.LiveMigrateDiskCommand@4a6d91c8


  • Red Hat Virtualization (RHV) 4.2.6
  • RHEL 7.5 hosts;
    • vdsm-4.20.35-1

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