Cisco ISE unable to install in RHV VM

Solution Verified - Updated -


ALL current supported versions of RHV 4.x


We need to deploy Cisco ISE, and one of the requirements is that the SMBIOS must show "KVM" in the name in order for it to know how to deploy the appliance.

Currently RHV Hosts display the following in the SMBIOS for a VM:



  <entry name='product'>Red Hat Virtualization Hypervisor</entry>

</system> "

The ISE requires currently it to say:



  <entry name='product'>KVM</entry>

</system> "

Can anything be done to change this?


As KVM and RHV are different Virtualization Platforms the hosts must report accordingly. The change needed is already requested with Cisco under the following bug:

Please feel free to reach out to Cisco directly for any questions and status updates to their bug/change request.

Root Cause

Cisco's proprietary software ISE currently only accepts KVM VM's to be used for installation. This in turn does not permit VMs to be used from a RHV environment.

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