What parameters should be set to run Remote Jobs in Red Hat Satellite 6 to prevent overload of system resources?

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  • Red Hat Satellite 6


  • What parameters should be set to run Remote Jobs to prevent overload of the system resources in case of a large number of hosts?


  • Concurrency level defines the maximum number of jobs executed at once, which can prevent overload of systems resources in a case of executing the job on a large number of hosts.
  • Time span defines a time interval in seconds after which the job should be killed if it is not finished already. A task which could not be started during the defined interval.
  • Concurrency level and Time span settings enable you to tailor job execution to fit your infrastructure hardware and needs as per requirements.
  • Navigating to the path shown below will show advanced settings for the jobs:-

    # WebUI >> Monitor >> Jobs >> Run Job >> Show Advanced Fields >> Concurrency level/TimeSpan.
    # WebUi --> Monitor --> Jobs --> Run Job --> Schedule --> Select "Set up recurring execution" --> Repeats [we have multiple options] --> Submit 
  • Refer to documentation for more detailed information on Remote Execution.

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