Is it possible to have an unimprovedSecondsSpentLimit by score level for OptaPlanner in BRMS 6.4?

Solution Unverified - Updated -


  • Red Hat JBoss BRMS 6.4.x
    • Business Resource Planner Guide (OptaPlanner)


  • Adding a unimprovedSecondsSpentLimit by score level
  • Is it possible to have an unimprovedSecondsSpentLimit by score level?


  • Migrate to RHDM 7.2.0

Root Cause

Request for feature enhancement PLANNER-1254 has been submitted and is delivered with Red Hat Decision Manager 7.2.0.GA. The request is to make possible to use unimprovedSecondsSpentLimit but only if the HARD score does not improve, irrelevant to the other scores (MEDIUM or SOFT) for OptaPlanner.

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