Getting "Binary file matches" issue using grep command on vxfs filesystem

Solution Verified - Updated -


  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 7.3
  • VRTSvxfs-


We are facing an issue where we are getting error message "Binary file matches" issue for few seconds while trying to grep a string in a text file.

We are facing this issue on the server where the OS version is RHEL 7.3:

[root@server1 dir]#  grep -hn "string" filename
Binary file filename matches

while on RHEL 7.2 node it works fine:

[root@server2 tmp]# grep -hn "string" filename
85:        string


Veritas provides an update

fixing issue

  • 3938258 (3938256) When checking file size through seek_hole, it will return incorrect offset/size when delayed allocation is enabled on the file.

Please consult Veritas support for VRTSvxfs packages update.

Root Cause

There is a known vxfs issue present in VRTSvxfs- - call vx_seek_hole_data() does not return offset/size correctly.

There is a visible difference in the grep straces:


lseek(3</tmp/filename>, 32768, SEEK_HOLE) = 42697 <0.000010>    <------- 42697
lseek(3</tmp/filename>, 32768, SEEK_SET) = 32768 <0.000009>

Non working:

lseek(3</mnt/vxfs/dir/filename>, 32768, SEEK_HOLE) = 32768 <0.000011>  <------- 32768
lseek(3</mnt/vxfs/dir/filename>, 32768, SEEK_SET) = 32768 <0.000006>

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