Creating a custom default template for new project.

Solution Verified - Updated -


  • Redhat Openshift Container Platform (OCP)
    • 3.x
    • 4.x


  • The API server automatically provisions projects based on the template that is identified by the projectRequestTemplate parameter of the master-config.yaml file.
  • If the parameter is not defined, the API server creates a default template that creates a project with the requested name, and assigns the requesting user to the "admin" role for that project.

  • To create your own custom project template:

1.Start with the current default project template:

$ oc adm create-bootstrap-project-template -o yaml > template.yaml

2.Use a text editor to modify the template.yaml file by adding objects or modifying existing objects.

3.Load the template:

$ oc create -f template.yaml -n default

4.Modify the master-config.yaml file to reference the loaded template:

  projectRequestTemplate: "default/project-request"

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