In mod_jk 1.2.30 a servlet flush/close in JBoss causes duplicate requests

Solution Unverified - Updated -


  • JBoss Enterprise Application Platform (EAP) 4.3
  • mod_jk 1.2.30


  • A servletOutput stream flush() after the close() causes an empty type 0x03 (body chunk) packet to be sent. It seems receipt of that packet by mod_jk sets the last_op value, which triggers the 'did not receive END_RESPONSE'ccondition. In fact END_RESPONSE was received, just not as the last op.


the close() will call flush() This is the same as calling

stream.flush();1.2.30 will complain about that, cause it might come from either faulty user servlet (like this example) or from a broken container. In any case this is not acceptable by mod_jk. Before 1.2.30 the flush packet in such situation would

hang inside the AJP stream packet data and would cause a flush to happen for a new client request (and was actually caused by a previous client flush)The solution here is to fix the application not to do this, nothing to fix here in mod_jk.
On the JBoss side of things in the AJP flush() does not take into consideration if a close() has been called, which a close() doesn't actually close the socket, just sends a message down the wire.  The following JIRAs have been created to address this and

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