Unable to migrate VM using vdsClient

Solution Verified - Updated -


  • RHEV 3.6
  • RHV 4.0
  • RHV 4.1


When attempting to migrate a VM from one host to another using vdsClient the following error is found in the Source vdsm.log

# vdsClient -s 0 migrate vmId=12bb345a-678b-901a-2345-678901234c5 method=online dst= Unexpected exception
Thread-37094687::DEBUG::2017-12-20 15:46:17,330::bindingxmlrpc::1273::vds::(wrapper) client []::call vmMigrate
 with ({'dst': '', 'vmID': '12bb345a-678b-901a-2345-678901234c5', 'method': 'online'},) {}
Thread-37094687::ERROR::2017-12-20 15:46:17,330::bindingxmlrpc::1300::vds::(wrapper) unexpected error
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/share/vdsm/rpc/bindingxmlrpc.py", line 1276, in wrapper
    res = f(*args, **kwargs)
  File "/usr/share/vdsm/rpc/bindingxmlrpc.py", line 454, in vmMigrate
    vm = API.VM(params['vmId'])
KeyError: 'vmId'


  • Verify all hosts have the /etc/hosts file filled in to include all hosts and their IP's.
/etc/hosts sample file:

# {IP addr}             {short name} {fqdn}       localhost.localdomain localhost localhost.localdomain 
::1             localhost6.localdomain6 localhost6           Host01  Host01.example.com

Root Cause

Even when the hosts are reverse resolvable in DNS they need to be able to resolve internally through the /etc/hosts file.

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