JBDS 3.0.x/4.x installer fails on Windows 64-bit

Solution Verified - Updated -


  • Red Hat JBoss Developer Studio (JBDS)
    • 3.0.x
    • 4.x
  • Windows
    • 64 bit


  • JBDS 3.x/4.x installer fails on Windows 7 x64 .


  • To install JBDS 3.0.x or 4.x for Windows on 64-bit Windows , need to install and use 32-bit JVM . Make sure to specify the 32bit JVM while JDBS installation and also use the 32-bit java for running JBDS 3.0.x or 4.x (or use -vm flag to tell JBDS to use 32-bit java) if the 64-bit one is found as the default.
  • This issue was reported as the following JIRAs:

Root Cause

  • Not 64-bit version but only 32-bit version of JBDS 3.0.x/4.x for Windows is provided.

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