JBoss EAP 6 : using variables in CLI scripts (jboss-cli.sh)

Solution Verified - Updated -


  • Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform (EAP)
    • 6.0.x
    • 6.1.x
    • 6.2


  • User wants to use variables in JBoss 6 CLI scripts
  • Failed to use variable with jboss-cli.sh
  • Using a property file with jboss-cli.sh
  • How to pass parameters into the CLI scripts?
  • CLI is accepting profile name through environment variable in domain mode ?


    <!-- whether to resolve system properties specified as command argument or operation parameter values
         in the CLI VM before sending the operation requests to the controller -->

Change the above to

  • Use the "--properties=/path/to/file.properties" to pass in the properties.
  • The notation in the CLI script is then as per usual "${myvar}"

Note :
- The address, the operation name, and the parameter names can NOT include substitutions.Only the parameter values can include substitutions.
- eg : See below cli cmd :

/subsystem=datasources/xa-data-source=MyDS/statistics=pool:read-resource(include-runtime=${myvar})   << work 

/subsystem=datasources/xa-data-source=${myvar}/statistics=pool:read-resource(include-runtime=true)    << not work 
  • The first CLI cmd would work since only parameter values can include substitutions.
  • In the second CLI cmd the address (/subsystem=datasources/xa-data-source=MyDS/statistics=pool), the operation name (read-resource), and the parameter names (include-runtime) can NOT include substitutions.So it would not work

Second Method :

  • An alternative method (also working on pre-6.1 versions) is based on combining bash scripting with CLI commands. Here is an example of such a bash file and the use of bash environment variables :

$JBOSS_HOME/bin/jboss-cli.sh --connect <<EOF
  • In other words, when bash loads the script, all environment variables in the actual CLI lines will be replaced by their values before the CLI executes the lines.

  • Keep in mind that the above must be a bash script that you subsequently execute. Using the commands interactively in bash will not work correctly.

    Note) IF-Else command is not allowed with batch mode


  • Currently this environment variable substitution works for the parameters and not for the addresses. following is the general form of CLI command :
  • Here, environment variable substitution will not work for the address part which comes before the colon ":" and hence it will not substitute the profile name in domain mode and also there is a feature request for it PRODMGT-601.

  • However the Second method stated above will serve as a work around for substituting addresses in CLI.

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