How to re-sync ldap group with different ldap server?

Solution Verified - Updated -


  • Openshift Container Platform 4
  • OpenShift Container Platform 3.5 ~ 3.11


  • When ldap server need to be changed to another new ldap server and the hostname is different from previous ldap server, Openshift needs to resync group with the new ldap server. However, openshift complains with following messages: label did not match sync host: wanted, got
  • How to re-sync ldap group with new ldap server?


  • Follow the below steps from 0 to 4 for re-syncing the new LDAP server in RHOCP 4 however for RHOCP 3.5 ~ 3.11 follow the other two steps 5 and 6 as well.

  • Synchronizing LDAP group creates only group objects on Openshift side, So delete group objects and sync group with new ldap server or re-sync with new LDAP server after changing some metadata.

NOTE: Try these commands on the sandbox first before applying them in to production.

0.Backup data

oc get groups -o yaml >group_list.yaml
oc get identity -o yaml >identity_list.yaml
oc get users -o yaml > user_list.yaml

1. Update group information:

export     <===== Old ldap information
export           <===== New ldap information

for group in $( oc get groups -o name ); do
    ldap_url=$( oc get ${group} -o go-template=$'{{index .metadata.annotations ""}}')

    if [[ "${ldap_url}" == "${ORIGINAL_SERVER_URL}" ]]; then
        echo ""
        echo "*** ${ldap_url} of ${group} is changed to ${NEW_SERVER_URL} ***"
        echo ""
        oc annotate "${group}" "${NEW_SERVER_URL}" --overwrite
        oc label "${group}"  "$(echo ${NEW_SERVER_URL}|cut -d: -f1)" --overwrite

2. Update sync-config.yaml

kind: LDAPSyncConfig
url: ldap://        <=== New ldap information

3. Sync groups (dry-run)

oadm groups sync --sync-config=/usr/local/src/sync-config.yaml 

4. Sync groups (confirm) if there are no issues and the data is correct

oadm groups sync --sync-config=/usr/local/src/sync-config.yaml --confirm

5. Update master-config.yaml on all master servers.

  - challenge: true
    login: true
    name: ldap
     url: ldap://,dc=com?uid     <== New ldap information (only change hostname)

6. Restart atomic-openshift-master-api on all master servers.

systemctl restart atomic-openshift-atomic-api

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