Character set utf8mb4 is not supported for MySQL or MariaDB RH-SSO database

Solution Verified - Updated -


  • Initial database schema creation is not working.
  • The database initialization fails with the following message:

    ERROR [org.keycloak.connections.jpa.updater.liquibase.conn.DefaultLiquibaseConnectionProvider] (ServerService Thread Pool -- 48) Change Set META-INF/jpa-changelog-1.9.1.xml::1.9.1::keycloak failed.  Error: Row size too large. The maximum row size for the used table type, not counting BLOBs, is 65535. This includes storage overhead, check the manual. You have to change some columns to TEXT or BLOBs [Failed SQL: ALTER TABLE keycloak.REALM MODIFY CERTIFICATE VARCHAR(4000)]: liquibase.exception.DatabaseException: Row size too large. The maximum row size for the used table type, not counting BLOBs, is 65535. This includes storage overhead, check the manual. You have to change some columns to TEXT or BLOBs [Failed SQL: ALTER TABLE keycloak.REALM MODIFY CERTIFICATE VARCHAR(4000)]
  • The database initialization fails with the following message:

    ERROR [org.keycloak.connections.jpa.updater.liquibase.conn.DefaultLiquibaseConnectionProvider] (ServerService Thread Pool -- 52) Change Set META-INF/ failed.  Error: Specified key was too long; max key length is 767 bytes [Failed SQL: ALTER TABLE keycloak.REALM_SOCIAL_CONFIG ADD PRIMARY KEY (REALM_ID, NAME)]: liquibase.exception.DatabaseException: Specified key was too long; max key length is 767 bytes [Failed SQL: ALTER TABLE keycloak.REALM_SOCIAL_CONFIG ADD PRIMARY KEY (REALM_ID, NAME)]


  • Red Hat Single Sign-On (RH-SSO)
    • 7
  • MySQL 8.0 or MariaDB 10.3.27 relational database
    • Certified versions for the RH-SSO product

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