How to export a list of content host with operating system from Red Hat Satellite 6 server.

Solution Verified - Updated -


  • Red Hat Satellite 6.2


  • How to export a list of the content host with the operating system from Red Hat Satellite 6 server.
  • Is it possible to get an export from Red Hat Satellite 6 server, containing the server and OS version? If so, how?


  • User can use API call with curl to fetch the required information from the Red Hat Satellite 6 server.
# curl -k -u <Admin Username>:<Password> -X GET https://<Satellite Server FQDN>/api/v2/hosts |json_reformat | grep -Ew 'name|operatingsystem_name' |grep ','$|sed -e 's/operatingsystem_name/operatingsystem/' |sed -e "/name/a\ "
  • The above command only reports the first 20 results as this is a default behavior of Red Hat Satellite 6 server.
  • To view all available systems, use '?per_page=Count' at the end of the API url.

  • For example, to view a thousand systems in single view -

# curl -k -u <Admin Username>:<Password> -X GET https://<Satellite Server FQDN>/api/v2/hosts?per_page=1000 |json_reformat | grep -Ew 'name|operatingsystem_name' |grep ','$|sed -e 's/operatingsystem_name/operatingsystem/' |sed -e "/name/a\ "

Diagnostic Steps

  • The curl command will report the output similar to the following output.
            "operatingsystem": "RedHat 7.2",
            "name": "",

            "operatingsystem": "RedHat 7.2",
            "name": "",

            "operatingsystem": "RedHat 7.2",
            "name": "",

            "operatingsystem": "RedHat 7.1",
            "name": "",

            "operatingsystem": "RedHat 7.1",
            "name": "",

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