[Satellite 6.0]De-Activate host from Satellite server via CLI/API call

Solution Unverified - Updated -


  • Red Hat Satellite


  • How to De-Activate Content Host on Satellite server,instead of deleting content host.


  • Find the Host ID.
hammer shell
hammer> host list 
[Foreman] Password for admin: 
ID | NAME                            | OPERATING SYSTEM | HOST GROUP | IP          | MAC              
1  | satellite.example.com           | RedHat 7.3       |            | | 00:16:3e:74:02:91
2  | client.example.com              | RedHat 6.6       |            |  | 00:16:3e:74:01:d7
Here Host-ID=2.
  • Find the Subscriptions ID for the host.
hammer> subscription list --organization="Default Organization" --host-id='2'
ID | UUID                             | NAME         | CONTRACT | ACCOUNT | SUPPORT      | QUANTITY | CONSUMED | END DATE                     | QUANTITY | ATTACHED
1  | 8ac18a8d5b48d95b015b48f4aaf002a0 | XXX | 10169621 | 540155  | Self-Support | 1        | 1        | 2022-01-01T04:59:59.000+0000 | 1        | 1       
Here Subscription-ID=1.
  • Remove subscriptions for Host.
hammer> host subscription remove --subscription-id='1' --host-id='2'
Subscription removed from the host successfully
  • Verify the status on content host.
[root@client1 ~]# subscription-manager status
   System Status Details
Overall Status: Invalid

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