While registering a client to Red Hat Satellite 6 server via bootstrap script, it fails with "422 Unprocessable Entity" error.
When attempting to register a system to Red Hat Satellite 6 using bootstrap script, getting 422 Unprocessable Entity messages with the following responses:
[RUNNING], [2017-03-25 13:33:28], [Calling Foreman API to create a host entry associated with the group & org] An error occured: HTTP Error 422: Unprocessable Entity url: https://satellite.example.com:443/api/v2/hosts/ code: 422 data: { "host": { "managed": "true", "name": "client", "hostgroup_id": X, "organization_id": X, "mac": "00:50:56:B4:F5:2F", "architecture_id": 1, "location_id": X, "domain_id": X } } error: { "error": { "errors": { "operatingsystem_id": [ "can't be blank" ] }, "id": null, "full_messages": [ "Operatingsystem can't be blank" ] } }
- Red Hat Satellite v6
- Bootstrap script
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