"Oracle Java for RHEL Server" product is not visible on "Red Hat Repositories" page of Red Hat Satellite 6.

Solution Verified - Updated -


  • Red Hat Satellite 6.2
  • Red Hat Satellite 6.1


  • Despite having Red Hat Satellite and Capsule Server for Cloud Providers subscription, unable to view Oracle Java for RHEL Server product from the Red Hat Repositories page.

  • Able to see Oracle Java for RHEL Server product using hammer but unable to see repositories of it.

  • Why are x86_64-server-X-thirdparty-oracle-java repositories are not available despite of having valid subscriptions that provide these repositories?


  • Red Hat doesn't provide access to the Oracle Java repositories, for the service providers. Hence, partners won't be able to access the repositories.
  • For more information on the latest update check Oracle Java SE Access.

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