Is it possible to use SANsurfer to monitor systems using Red Hat's version of the QLogic driver on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4?

Solution Unverified - Updated -


  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4
  • QLogic SANsurfer


  • Is it possible to use SANsurfer to monitor systems using Red Hat's version of the QLogic driver?

    No module qla2xxx_conf found for kernel 2.6.9-55.0.12.ELsmp, aborting


  • It is not possible because the qla2xxx_confdriver, which is necessary for SANsurfer is not present in the qla drivers provided by Red Hat.
  • It is possible to use the qla2xxx_conf module along with the drivers provided by Red Hat, however this is not recommended or supported by Red Hat, because it is not a binary which is provided with Red Hat Enterprise Linux.

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