"Error code:5001" happend when a templated windows machine is started from rhev-m 2.1
- Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization Manager v2.1 sp215
- Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization Hypervisor release 5.4-2.1 (1)
Root Cause
Customized time zone is not supported for windows guests.
This can happen when user has not selected the time zone in the New VM dialog and the VDC time zone is set to custom (default)
"Error code:5001" append when a templated windows machine is started from rhev-m
Update to RHEV 5.5-2.2 and above.
Solve in RHEV 2.2.0 as per bug 523388
file contains
11Mar 09:00:37 [1544] ERROR - Command CreateVmVDS execution failed. Exception: System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.
at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowKeyNotFoundException()
at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.get_Item(TKey key)
at VdsBroker.VdsBroker.SysprepHandler.getTimeZone(VM vm)
at VdsBroker.VdsBroker.SysprepHandler.GetSysPrep(VM vm, String hostName, String domain)
at VdsBroker.CreateVmFromSysPrepVDSCommand..ctor(CreateVmFromSysPrepVDSCommandParameters parameters)
at VdsBroker.CreateVmVDSCommand.ExecuteVdsIdCommand()
at VdsBroker.VdsIdVDSCommandBase.ExecuteVDSCommand()
at VdsBroker.VDSCommandBase.ExecuteCommand()
11Mar 09:00:37 [1544] ERROR - Command RunVmCommand throw Vdc Bll exception
VdcCommon.Errors.VdcBLLException: VdcBLLException: System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.
at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowKeyNotFoundException()
at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.get_Item(TKey key)
at VdsBroker.VdsBroker.SysprepHandler.getTimeZone(VM vm)
at VdsBroker.VdsBroker.SysprepHandler.GetSysPrep(VM vm, String hostName, String domain)
at VdsBroker.CreateVmFromSysPrepVDSCommand..ctor(CreateVmFromSysPrepVDSCommandParameters parameters)
at VdsBroker.CreateVmVDSCommand.ExecuteVdsIdCommand()
at VdsBroker.VdsIdVDSCommandBase.ExecuteVDSCommand()
at VdsBroker.VDSCommandBase.ExecuteCommand()
at VdcBLL.VDSBrokerFrontend.RunVdsCommand(VDSCommandType commandType, VDSParametersBase parameters)
at VdcBLL.VDSBrokerFrontend.RunAsyncVdsCommand(VDSCommandType commandType, VdsAndVmIDVDSParametersBase parameters, IVdsAsyncCommand command)
at VdcBLL.RunVmCommand.CreateVm()
at VdcBLL.RunVmCommand.RunVm()
at VdcBLL.RunVmCommand.ExecuteVmCommand()
at VdcBLL.VmCommand.ExecuteCommand()
at VdcBLL.CommandBase.ExecuteWithoutTransaction()
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