How to change the content source for a host using the API or `hammer`?

Solution In Progress - Updated -


  • Red Hat Satellite 6


  • How to view or change the content source of one or more hosts using the API or hammer command line?


  • Run the below command on Satellite 6.3 and above to set content_source_id using hammer.

    # hammer -u admin -p XXXXX host update  --help | grep -i content-source
    # hammer -u admin -p XXXXX host update --id <content host id> --content-source-id <CAPSULE_ID>
  • Satellite 6.2 does not have the above feature, below workaround works

  • Run the below API command on Satellite v 6.2.12 to set content_source_id via command line.

    # curl -H "Content-Type:application/json" -X PUT -u 'username:password' -k -d '{"host":{"content_source_id": "2"}}'
  • Replace the following in the above curl request as:

    • 123 --> with the host ID for which content source ID needs to be updated.
    • --> with FQDN of the satellite server
    • username:password --> with appropriate admin user credentials
    • "2" (content_source_id) --> with appropriate capsule server ID

NOTE : This feature is planned to be made available on web ui from Satellite 6.12

Root Cause

  • The content source of a host can be changed using the API but cannot be set via hammer command.
  • The content source of a host cannot currently be queried nor changed using hammer.

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