Kernel modules provided by Driver Update Program (DUP) disks are not properly symlinked when kernel updates are installed on ppc64le architecture systems

Solution Verified - Updated -


  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7
  • System based on ppc64le architecture
  • One or more Driver Update Program (DUP) modules in use


Kernel modules provided by Driver Update Program (DUP) disks are not properly symlinked when new kernels are installed on ppc64le architecture systems. This leads to the DUP module(s) not loading at boot time when using an updated kernel, which could prevent the system from booting.


An updated kmod package, kmod-20-8.el7_2, which contains a fix for this issue, has been released to customers as part of a Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.2.z errata. You should update your ppc64le systems to use this version of the kmod package or newer before applying any kernel updates to ensure the proper symlinks are created for DUP drivers.

For more information on the updated package, please see this errata overview on the Red Hat Customer Portal:

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