If geo-rep push-pem fails
The push-pem command fails with the following message:
# gluster volume geo-replication masterVol slaveHost::slaveVol create ssh-port sshPort push-pem
Staging failed on localhost. Please check the log file for more details.
geo-replication command failed
The messages in the glusterd log were as follows:
[2016-09-09 18:18:57.333614] E [MSGID: 106316] [glusterd-geo-rep.c:2378:glusterd_verify_slave] 0-management: Not a valid slave
[2016-09-09 18:18:57.333662] E [MSGID: 106029] [glusterd-geo-rep.c:3657:glusterd_gsync_read_frm_status] 0-management: Unable to read gsyncd status file
[2016-09-09 18:18:57.333673] E [MSGID: 106317] [glusterd-geo-rep.c:2383:glusterd_verify_slave] 0-management: Unable to read from /var/log/glusterfs/create_verify_log
[2016-09-09 18:18:57.333685] E [MSGID: 106316] [glusterd-geo-rep.c:2640:glusterd_op_stage_gsync_create] 0-management: slaveHost::slaveVol is not a valid slave volume. Error: (null)
[2016-09-09 18:18:57.333718] E [MSGID: 106301] [glusterd-syncop.c:1274:gd_stage_op_phase] 0-management: Staging of operation 'Volume Geo-replication Create' failed on localhost
There may be other reasons for failure.
Red Hat Gluster Storage 3.x
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