Not able to run HP utility conrep to dump BIOS config to file

Solution Verified - Updated -


  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL)
  • HP hardware


Not able to run HP utility conrep to dump BIOS config to file:

[root@host]# conrep -s  
I/O warning : failed to load external entity "conrep.xml"  
Cannot Read/Parse document: conrep.xml  
Conrep ERROR: 1  


The HP utility conrep can be used to dump BIOS configs from multiple hosts and compare them.

Download CONREP rpm from the HP website and install it.

This RPM works on x86_64. It is important to have the xml definition file in the current working directory. Then the utility saves the BIOS config to conrep.dat:

[root@hp-dl385g5-1 ~]# cp /opt/hp/conrep/conrep.xml .  
[root@hp-dl385g5-1 ~]# conrep -s  
[root@hp-dl385g5-1 ~]# ls  
anaconda-ks.cfg  cobbler.ks  conrep-1.4-0.i586.rpm  conrep.dat  conrep.xml  install.log  install.log.syslog  ks-post.log
[root@hp-dl385g5-1 ~]# vi conrep.dat  
[root@hp-dl385g5-1 ~]#

Rename that conrep.dat file to include the hostname of the machine you're on and upload those.

Diagnostic Steps

man 1 conrep

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