How to change the ActiveMQ broker configuration when running inside ServiceMix 4.4.x?

Solution Verified - Updated -


  • Fuse ESB 4.4.x


How to change the ActiveMQ broker configuration when running inside ServiceMix 4.4.x?


After making a change to the etc/activemq-broker.xml configuration, it is not enough to simply restart ServiceMix for this configuration change to take effect.

In fact a restart is not required. All that is necessary is to update the OSGi bundle that deploys this configuration file from the Karaf shell:

karaf@root> osgi:list -l | grep activemq-broker.xml
[ 57] [Active ] [Created ] [ ] [60] blueprint:file:etc/activemq-broker.xml
karaf@root>update 57

This will reload the updated ActiveMQ broker configuration and re-instantiate the broker instance.

For additional background information check this blog post.

This post does not apply to Fuse ESB Enterprise 7.0.x and later.

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