[Satellite6.2] remote_execution_ssh_keys provisioning template does not work if ssh public key from the Host is used

Solution Unverified - Updated -


  • The remote_execution_ssh_keys provisioning template (snippet)

    SatWEBUI > Host > Provisioning templates > remote_execution_ssh_keys

    seems to indicate that by creating a host or global parameter labeled
    remote_execution_ssh_keys and putting your public key inside it will be inserted into ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file, however this does not work as
    suggested. The template seems to be inserting the foreman-proxy key into authorized_keys and not anything else. My assumption is this is a setting that is
    overridden somehow by foreman for the foreman-proxy key only and the global or host parameters are ignored contrary to the comments in the snippet template.


  • Satellite 6.2

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