Satellite 6 API returns no facts values with non admin user

Solution Verified - Updated -


  • Red Hat Satellite 6.1 prior to Red Hat Satellite 6.1.9


  • If a user not having Administrator role tries to query system facts from Satellite 6, an empty response is returned.
  • If the administrator does query the system facts from Satellite 6, all facts are returned as expected.


  • This issue has been tracked in BZ 1333112
  • To avoid the issue, please apply errata RHBA-2016:1084 to upgrade to Satellite 6.1.9

Diagnostic Steps

  • Create a user with view_facts and upload_facts permissions
  • Try to get some facts by querying https://<satellite_server>/api/v2/hosts/<host>/facts
  • An empty result is returned.

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