Why does 'df' show my shared filesystem mounted on /var/lib/nfs in a RHEL 6 or 7 High Availability cluster serving HA-NFS exports with an nfsserver resource?

Solution Unverified - Updated -


  • Why does 'df' show my shared filesystem mounted on /var/lib/nfs in a High Availability cluster serving HA-NFS exports with an nfsserver resource?
  • It seems that when you activate the clustered nfs server, the mount gets displayed differently, showing up under /var/lib/nfs. Is this to be expected? Or is something wrong here.


  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 6 or 7 with the High Availability Add-On
  • An nfsserver resource defined in the cluster CIB
    • That nfsserver resource has an nfs_shared_infodir pointing at a directory on a shared file system

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