How to fence a Host using a Power Shell Script in Red Hat Virtualization 2.2 ?

Solution Verified - Updated -


  • Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization 2.2
  • Windows Powershell


  • How to fence hosts using Power Shell Scripts?


  • To fence a host the host status must be first updated to Maintenance Mode.

  • To update a hosts status to maintenance,use the Suspend-Host PS command and set the status to Maintenance.

  • But note that use the shell's tab completion to ensure we get the correct value.

  • Check the Id of host, please execute the following command first:

PS C:\> Select-Host
  • Suspend the host using:
PS C:\> Suspend-Host -HostId <Id-of-host>
  • After the Host in in Maintenance Mode execute the below command to fence it.
 Fence-Host -HostId  $HOST_N.HostId -Action Stop

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