How to retrieve a System Property value in a busines process in BPM Suite 6?

Solution Verified - Updated -


  • Red Hat JBoss BPM Suite 6


There is a need to retrieve an URL value set as a system property in a standalone.xml file in a business process (i.e. User Task or Script Task).


You can set the URL as a system property in standalone.xml as follows:

      <property name="customurl" value="URL_HERE"/>

After that, you can retrieve that value in a Script Task or in On Entry Actions and set it to a process variable by using the following code:

 // retrieving the system property set in standalone.xml
 String customURL = System.getProperty("customurl");

 // printing the value out
 System.out.println("customURL: " + customURL);

 // setting the property value in the process variable url1, so you can map it to the the data input variable

Finally you can map the process variable url1 to a task variable.

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